DNP Vlogs - DNP Imagingcomm Europe B.V.
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Thermal Transfer Printing can often be a complicated technique to understand. That is why we have created our vlog series “Kees & Cees”.

In our Thermal Transfer Printing vlogs, together with our Product Managers Kees and Cees, you can discover the ins and outs of Thermal Transfer technology. Tune in, and explore popular topics like:

  • What is an anti-static back coating and why is it important?
  • Why does print sensitivity matter?
  • How can blocking resistance help you deliver variable code excellence?

Tailored variable print support with DNP Thermal Transfer Ribbons.

DNP specialises in helping you harmonise substrate, printer and ribbon. All this, with ribbons tailored to your needs and technical support in our DNP lab or on-site, in your own production environment.
Because at DNP, we believe in partnership, that provides the swift and tailor-made answers that you need.

Request a demo or testing support

Get in touch for more info.

Feel free to contact us anytime for any questions you may have.